Herend Porcelain in a New Dress

Herend Porcelain in a New Dress

2024. June 7.

Opening ceremony of the Herend porcelain exhibition “Herend Porcelain in a New Dress”

Herend Porcelain Manufactory Ltd. and Municipality of Tata 

cordially invite you and your partner


to the opening ceremony of the Herend porcelain exhibition 


Herend Porcelain in a New Dress


on Friday, June 7, 2024 at 17.00

at the Little Esterházy Palace (2890 Tata, English Garden)



Welcome speeches


József Michl

Mayor of Tata


Dr. Attila Simon

CEO of the Herend Porcelain Manufactory Ltd.



Musical performance


Luca Nagy 

bassoon player

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